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Re: Hate messages

Cecele Miller <103071(dot)1461 (at) CompuServe(dot)COM> wrote:
>I realize that I have a choice in what I choose to read in the 
>Newsgroups.  But I feel that hate messages have no part of the 
>Information Highway.  It is hoped that if someone does not have 
>the maturity to know what is appropriate and what is of interest 
>or can add to the knowledge of others, that there is someone who 
>will filter out such garbage.  Enough said.

I share your consternation and your hopes for a more intelligent exchange 
on the internet.

However, I must remind you that there may be less personal power for each 
and every one of us if we invite a 'watchdog' into our electronic 
community, who will then proceed to tell all and sundry just what 
constitutes 'maturity'. Don't forget that regardless of the willful 
insensitivity of some people, you and I still have the 'power of the 
mouse' at our disposal. The individualism that the net allows is worth 
enough to me that the electronic flotsam of the hate-mongerers among us 
is a small price to pay. They can only get their kicks by *imagining* 
that they are creating a disturbance.

My answer to them is only this:  click, click!

Moshe Denburg

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