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Re: postings

In article <4ks1nr$j8 (at) aphex(dot)direct(dot)ca>, Moshe Denburg <denburg 
(at) direct(dot)ca> wrote:

> Dear Cantor Schwartz,
> The mail server at Shamash, which handles the Jewish Music mailing list 
> (which is supposed to mirror the posts of, has been 
> down for the last three weeks. I happened to meet Ari Davidow, our 
> moderator, today (he was visiting Vancouver, B.C.) and he informed me of 
> this. He's been getting a lot of e-mail inquiries, but just hasn't had 
> the time to respond. 
> Like you, I have been experiencing very slow delivery, and periods when 
> there is no mirroring of this newsgroup at all. Hopefully, the situation 
> will clear up soon.
> Moshe Denburg

Thanks for the explanation.  I have also enjoyed reading your other postings.

Cantor Neil Schwartz

schwartz (at) enter(dot)net

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