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Re: Looking to words for "Romania"
- From: Fred Jacobowitz <fredj...>
- Subject: Re: Looking to words for "Romania"
- Date: Wed 17 Apr 1996 05.11 (GMT)
Hope this helps. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to translate one or
two words. If you can, let me know. They aren't in either of the two
Yiddish dictionaries I have and I suspect they are Romanian words.
Fred Jacobowitz
Machaya Klezmer Band in the Washington DC/Baltimore area
Ekh, Rumania, Rumania,...(6x)
Geven amol a land a zise a sheyne.
Ekh, Rumania, Rumania...(6x)
Geven amol a land a zise a fayne.
Dort tzu voynen is a fargenign.
Vos dos hartz glust dir, dos kenstu krign.
A mammeligele, a pastramele,
a karnatsele, un a glezele vayn, aha!
In Rumania iz dokh git,
Funken dayges veyst men nit;
Vayn trinkt men iberal,
me farbayst mit kashtaval.
Hay, digi digi dam, digi digi digi dam;
Hay, digi digi dam, digi digi dam.
In Rumania iz dokh git,
Funken zorgn veyst men nit;
Vayn trinkt men iberal,
me farbayst a kastravet.
Hay, digi digi dam,....etc.
Oy vey g'vald, ikh ver meshige,
'kh lib nor brinze, mamelige,
'kh tantz un frey zikh biz der stelye,
ven ikh es a patlozhele.
Dzing-ma, tay tidl di dam, (4x)
Ay, s'iz a mekhaye, besser ken nit zayn,
ay, a fargenign iz Rumenish vayn.
Di Rumener trinken vayn un esn mamalige.
Ver es kusht zayb eygn vayb, o yenner iz meshuge.
Dzing-ma, tay tidl di dam, (4x)
Ay, s'iz a mekhaye,....etc.
Yokum purkon min shemaye,
shteyt un kusht di kekhne, Khaye,
ongeton in alte shkrabes,
makht a kugl l'koved Shabbes
Zetz, tay tdl di da, (4x)
Ay, s'iz a mekhaye,..... etc.
Zis es iz tzu kush a moid,
ven zi iz nokh zekhtzn.
Ober, ven du kisht an alte moid,
heybt zi on tzu krekhtzn!
Zetz, tay tdl di da, (4x)
Ay, s'iz a mekhaye,..... etc.
Oh, Romania....
It was a sweet, beautiful land
Oh, Romania...
It was a sweet, fine land
To live there is a joy.
What your heart desires, you can have.
A mammelige (cornmeal porridge), a pastrami,
a spiced meatball, and a glass of wine, aha!
In Romania it's good,
Noone has any --??-- ;
People drink wine everywhere,
Dessert is roasted chestnuts.
In Romania it's good,
Noone has any worries;
People dring wine everywhere,
Dessert is --??--.
Oy, vey, catastrophe, I'm going nuts,
I only like --??--, mamaligas,
I dance and cavort until dawn,
when I eat an eggplant.
Ah, it is a pleasure, it can't be better than this.
ah, what a joy Romanian wine is.
The Romanians drink wine and eat mameligas.
He who kisses his own wife is crazy.
Yokum the bashful tinker
stands and kisses the cook, Khaya,
>From old scrapings, she makes a Sabbath pudding. [inspired by this]
sweet to kiss a girl
when she is just sixteen.
But when you kiss an old woman
she starts to moan (complain).
On Sat, 13 Apr 1996, Cantor Neil Schwartz wrote:
> In article <316DECF0(dot)2F26 (at) poweron(dot)com>, jgleich (at)
> poweron(dot)com wrote:
> > Oh Romania, Romania, Romania Romania.....
> >
> > Im looking for the YIDDISH words for this song..
> >
> > Email me? -- Nu?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Jonathan
> >
> > \\__o<
> You need to obtain a wonderful book called "Great Songs of the Yiddish
> Theater"
> ed. by Norman Warembud in 1975 for the Quadrangle / New York Times Book Co.
> "Rumania, Rumania" by Aaron Lebedeff is found on pp. 175-181, in the original
> arrangement (but modern typography).
> This valuable book is available thru Tara Publications 1-800-TARA-400
> --
> Cantor Neil Schwartz
> schwartz (at) enter(dot)net