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Re: klezmorim-music

In article <N(dot)041296(dot)185330(dot)00 (at) com2>, waltmans (at) 
worldaccess(dot)nl wrote:

> Klezmorim-music.
> Who can tell me something about the history of klezmorim-music?
> Does also exist klezmorim-piano-music and where is it available?
> My e-mailaddress: waltmans (at) worldaccess(dot)nl

The book you want is "The Compleat Klezmer" by Henry Sapoznik, published
by Tara Publications   1-800-TARA-400

This book has a very good history section, and music which can be played
on the piano.  Tara also has other books of klezmer, but start with this.

Cantor Neil Schwartz

schwartz (at) enter(dot)net

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