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The Jewish-American experience

Rita Klinger asks the impossible:

   >If you had to choose only three sources of music 
   >that best represents the Jewish-American musical 
   >experience, what would you include?

Here are my picks:

1. Harold Arlin, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"

     This was composed by a Jew who was the son of the 
     celebrated cantor Samuel Arluck.  He grew up 
     listening to synagogue music.  Because the most 
     common Jewish-American experience is assimilation 
     and a search for "the good life," this surely 
     makes sense as a top-3 pick.

2.  Aaron Copeland, Rodeo

     Again, composed by a Jew.  Another common Jewish-
     American experience is conscious and deliberate 
     celebration of Americana.

3.  Ernest Bloch, "Schelomo"

     I include this out of guilt--the feeling that I 
     really should include at least one piece of music 
     that "sounds Jewish."  

Dan Kazez

    1995-96 CONCERTS:  Prague, Berlin, Rome, Florence, Paris, Salzburg, 
    Brussels, London, DeKalb, Toronto, Dayton, Akron, Columbus, Bombay
    Daniel Kazez / Associate Professor of Music
    Wittenberg University / Springfield, Ohio 45501
    kazez (at) wittenberg(dot)edu / tel:  513-327-7354 / fax:  513-327-6340

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