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Our Friends, the Sensitive Poles...

From: David Becker <rpdigest (at) erols(dot)com>

Subject: Auschwitz Shopping Mall Construction Deplored

RPD 1155                                 March 19, 1996 (12:05pm)


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mike Cohen March 18, 1996

Orthodox Union Deplores Construction of Mall Near Auschwitz

The Institute for Public Affairs of the Orthodox Union today wrote

a letter to the Polish Consul General in New York, Mr.

Sudyrkowski, protesting the construction of a shopping mall by a

private company directly across from Auschwitz. Dr. Mandell I.

Ganchrow, MD, OU President, said, "It is unconscionable that a

company build a shopping mall opposite the gates of the Auschwitz

death camp. It reflects a shocking insensitivity to the solemnity

and respect which is due this place and the willingness to forget

and pave over what happened there."

"There have been reports that behind the construction of the mall,

including a restaurant and fast food stand, are those who are

involved with the anti-Semitic society of Victims of War, who

illegally occupy the former Carmelite convent building," said

Richard B. Stone, IPA Chairman. "We urge Polish leaders, including

Mayor Andrzej Telka of Oswiecim, Poland, to immediately halt

construction on this site."

"The trivialization of the Holocaust only fuels the fire of those

who would seek to totally blot out the memory of the victims of

Auschwitz and to erase from human memory the consequences of

unleashed hatred. Remarks by President Alexander Kwasnieski of

Poland and Prime Minister Cimosaewicz against the mall should be

heeded by the Mayor of Oswiecim and those behind the

construction," said Professor Stone.

The Orthodox Union's Institute for Public Affairs urges its

constituents to write, call or fax to the Polish officials at the

addresses below in order to convey their protest and dismay:

President Kwasnieski, Namiestnikowski Palace Warsaw, Poland. Fax:


Prime Minister Cimosaewicz, A. Ujazdowskie 1/3, 00-583 Warsaw,

Poland. Fax: 011-48-22-625-26-37.

Polish Consul General in New York. Mr. Sudyrkowski: Tel:

212-889-2066. Fax: 212-779-3062.

ORTHODOX UNION, Department of Public Relations, 333 Seventh Ave.

NYC, NY 10001, (212) 613-8176 * Fax (212) 564-9058 * E-Mail

media (at) ou(dot)org

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