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reference list

Hello fellow listers,

I have been asked to compile a*brief* bibliography/discography of
relating to Jewish-American music. Many of you will already recognize the
qualifier "American" as problematic... So, I put this question to the
list. If you had to choose only three sources of music that best
represents the Jewish-American musical experience, what would you include?
Why? (Complete citations, if you know them, please!)

**PLEASE respond to me as well as the list, since I seldom receive mail
from the list, and when I do it is at least 5-10 days old.(If anyone can
help me with that problem, I'd appreciate it!!I have sent for official
help, and receie=ved no reply!)

 I would be happy to compile and distribute the results.

Rita Klinger
rklinger (at) u(dot)washington(dot)edu

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