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Music Notation Programs

I am a long-time user of Finale (Macintosh).  I find its
features limitless, and its flexibility astounding.
For educators, the discounted price is only a couple
of hundred dollars.

I have used Finale over the last 7 years in the 
preparation of a book on rhythm (to be published
later this year by W.W. Norton).  
I have never found Finale to be lacking!

Can there really be a better choice?  (I found out
the hard way...  I bought two other programs first, 
both worthless, for a total of $1200.  Ouch!)

Dan Kazez

    1995-96 CONCERTS:  Prague, Berlin, Rome, Florence, Paris, Salzburg, 
    Brussels, London, DeKalb, Toronto, Dayton, Akron, Columbus, Bombay
    Daniel Kazez / Associate Professor of Music
    Wittenberg University / Springfield, Ohio 45501
    kazez (at) wittenberg(dot)edu / tel:  513-327-7354 / fax:  513-327-6340

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