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Re: Klezmer music for Accordion and Violin

>I am looking for sheet music of Klezmer music for solo accordion or accordion
>and violin (and perhaps other instruments).  Most sheet music that I know
>consists of simple tunes with little variation or development.  Can you please
>recommend any more sophisticated arrangements?

Over the years Tara Publications has issued several books of Klezmer music.
Some are by Giora Feidman, one by Henry Sapoznik gives lots of background
material, and at least two have holiday material.  While Tara has a Web
( ), in this case I would suggest calling
them at 1-800-TARA-400 to ask your questions - either Velvel Pasternak or
his son Mayer will be able to tell you specifically which of their Klezmer
books have the type of music you want.
                                                        Cantor Neil Schwartz

Cantor Neil Schwartz
Katie Schwartz, B.S.I.

schwartz (at) enter(dot)net

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