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Re: cantillation of KATONTI

>Genesis 32:10 (32:11 in some editions)
>The word Katonti is punctuated as revi'a in some editions and as geresh in
>others. Such differences are rarely found.
>Koren: revi'a
>Mikraot Gedolot: revi'a
>BHS: geresh
>Breuer: geresh
>BHS (Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia) and Breuer (Rabbi Mordecai Breuer's
>edition of the Tanakh published by Mossad HaRav Kuk in Jerusalem) are both
>based on the Leningrad MS (1109 c.e.), the earliest complete MS of the
>Masoretic Bible, thought to be a reliable copy of Ben-Asher's punctuation.
>I'm not sure what the source of the Koren Bible is, but the Mikra'ot Gedolot
>(Rabbinic Bibles) are generally based on the Venetian Bible, 1524.
>When in doubt, I would follow BHS.

>A similar example can be found in Psalm 145:12.

Shalom.  Nice summary.  Is this by any chance Josh Jacobson?  You didn't
sign the posting, but it sounds like the level of scholarship that I know
Josh J. usually presents.

Two comments.  As I'm sure you know even better than I, there is a
completely different system of Ta'amim used for the "EMeT" books:  Job,
Proverbs, and Psalms.  While proof of word relationships can be drawn from
these 3 books, the Trope "helfn gor nisht".

Secondly, I believe that the Koren edition of the TaNaCH was based on the
Aleppo Codex.  All my resources are at work and I am snowed in here at home
(still), but that seems to ring a bell.  If you have a copy of the Breuer,
I am jealous.  I have the others you mention, but not that one.  Any idea
where I can get one?  How about a complete Mikra'ot G'dolot?  I only have
access to Chumash volumes.
                                                        Todah Rabbah,

                                                        Cantor Neil Schwartz

Cantor Neil Schwartz
Katie Schwartz, B.S.I.

schwartz (at) enter(dot)net

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