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Yiddishe Renaissance in Portland

I hope that many of you saw the recent Itzchak Pearlman special on Great
Performance on Public Television.  If not, it may be repeated, call you
local affiliate.  Many people taped it so call your friends.  Our synagogue
is working on getting a copy for our library.

If you saw the show then you saw the two great Klezmer bands, Klezmer
Conservatory  Band and Brave Old World.  Both of these bands will be in
Portland, Oregon soon.

See and hear the great Klezmer Conservatory Band at Congregation Neveh
Shalom on Wednesday night January 31, l996 at 8:00pm.  Tickets are $15/$12
for students and seniors.  Since the television special, our phones have
been ringing off the hook so don't wait to get your tickets. Call
(503)246-8831 for further info or email to dshivers (at) hevanet(dot)com(dot)

Also in this year's series is the all time great Jewish storyteller,
Peninah Schram.  She will be appearing with singer and guitarist Gerard
Ederly.  See them Saturday, March 2, 8:00pm at Congregation Neveh Shalom,
2900 Peaceful Ln., Portland, OR 9720l  Tickets are $l5/$12 students and

The grand finale of the season is the fabulous and innovative Brave Old
World.  This Klezmer band, Brave Old World,  performs on Saturday, March 6
at 8:00pm. Tickets are $l5/$12 students and seniors.

If you'd like to be a patron and have your name in the program, reserved
seating and an invitation to the post-concert reception with the
performers, tickets are $l00 each for all three concerts.

Tickets for all three concerts can be bought for the series discount price
of $36.  Call or write for a brochure.  Congregation Neveh Shalom, 2900 SW
Peaceful Ln., Portland, OR 9720l, (503)246-8831. Or email me at
dshivers (at) hevanet(dot)com(dot)

Cantor Linda Shivers*Congregation Neveh Shalom*2900 SW Peaceful Lane*
Portland, Oregon 97201*USA*(503)246-8831*e mail: dshivers (at) hevanet(dot)com

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