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jewish music (fwd)

I'm forwarding this tho the jewish music group, and yes, Joan, you
*should* sub to the jmusic group rather than picking out likely
looking names from the list.  I'm a sysop, with no connection either
to the Universities or to the world of teaching Jewish music.

I turn to the list to please help Ms. Paddock in her search.

D'n Russler                          NetMedia (Home of Jerusalem One)
System Administrator               -------------------------------------
d_n (at) jer1(dot)co(dot)il                     "Information at the Speed of 
           Phone:  972-2-795-860          Fax:  972-2-793-524
            info (at) NetMedia(dot)co(dot)il             info (at) 
 You've *G*O*T* to see our web site to believe it!!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 18:45:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Joan Paddock <jpaddock (at) calvin(dot)linfield(dot)edu>
To: d_n (at) jer1(dot)co(dot)il
Subject: jewish music

Dear D'n Russler,
I found your address on the jewish music list.  I am not currently a
subscriber, but perhaps I should be. I write to you to ask if you know of
experts in jewish music in Israel or other place who have compiled
information and recordings and perhaps have written textbooks for study.
Additionally, if someone were to visit Israel with a group of students
and desire a guest lecture on Israeli and Jewish music, do you know
someone currently teaching at the University level who is considered and
expert in their field?  I appreciate your time and consideration to
reply.  Thank you.


Joan Paddock

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