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KlezKamp 11: The Wonders of America

Living Traditions Inc. is proud to announce the 11th annual KlezKamp: The
Yiddish Folk Arts Program to be held December 24-29 1995 at the Paramount
Hotel in New York's Catskill region. 
For over a decade KlezKamp has been in the forefront of revitalizing interest
in Yiddish and of spearheading the international popularity of Yiddish music
and culture. Unexcelled in presenting the rich diversity of Yiddish life,
KlezKamp has been the model for numerous Yiddish cultural events staged
throughout North America and Europe. 
Each year we attract over 400 Yiddish culture enthusiasts from around the
Please join us. Space is limited and we always sell out so order your
application form and return it ASAP.

For copies of this year's application, please send your name and address to:
Living Traditions
430 W. 14th Street #514
NYC 10014
(212) 691-1272 (phone)
(212) 691-1657 (fax)
livetrads (at) aol(dot)com (e-mail)
*Dance ethnogropher Jill Gellerman-Panday will introduce KKampers to the
spectrum of hasidic simkhe dancing. Instructional classes will include talks
illustrated by video field recordings collected by the instructor.

*Yiddish Dance-Michael Alpert
Will cover the basics of shers, bulgars and freylekhs. 

Both classes will be accompanied by live music led by Brave Old World
clarinetist Kurt Bjorling. 

*Dos Esn-Eve Jochnowitz
A hands on workshop on the history and preparation of foods representative of
the American-Jewish experience taken from the pages of historic Jewish
cookbooks, original field research and the repertoires of KlezKamp

Four lectures on the history of film will be presented by three well known
lecturers. All lectures will be accompanied by clips from rare and classic
*Jewish media consultant Roby Newman will look at Yiddish cinema as a window
into American-Jewish culture of the 1930s. 
*"A yingl mit a tsingl hot epes a tam: The Celluloid Closet of Yiddish Film"
join Eve Sicular to explore the gay subtext in movies from Yidl mitn fidl to
* Culture historian Henry Sapoznik will examine the characterization of Jews
in the transition from the vaudeville stage to mainstream American film and

*Critically acclaimed author Dr. Jenna Weisman-Joselit will examine four
aspects of American Jewish culture:
1) The Mamas, the Papas and the Kinderlekh: a close look at the history and
social ecology of the American Jewish family from the slums to the suburbs.
2) Home, Sweet Heym: an exploration of American Jewry's material culture
3) Petit Four a la Sylvan: will focus on the invention of the American bar
and bas mitzvah.
4) Taking the Pulse of American Jewish Culture: an analysis of the successes
and shortcomings of yidishkayt in America.

*The Present State of Jews and Thier Political Allies
Cornell University Professor and Jewish Labor Commitee Board member Herb
Ratner will offer four classes tracing the development of Jewish involvement
in the American political landscape including:
 1) Jews and the Labor Movement
 2) Jews and African-Americans
 3) Jews and the Left
 4) Is a Jewish Republican Still an Oxymoron?

Classes are open to all levels.

*KlezKamp is second to none in presenting the finest veteran and second
generation players and teachers culled from bands like The Klezmatics,
Kapelye, the Klezmer Conservatory Band, Klezmer Plus and Brave Old World.  
Sid Beckerman (clarinet), Kurt Bjorling (dance ensembles) Lauren Brody
(accordion) Stuart Brotman (tsimbl), Steve Greenman (fiddle), Jim Guttman
(bass), David Krakauer (clarinet), David Licht (drums), Frank London
(trumpet), Sherry Mayrent (clarinet), Henry Sapoznik (banjo), Pete Sokolow
(keyboards, orchestrations), Deborah Strauss (fiddle), Jeff Warschauer
(guitar, mandolin) 

*Youth Orchestra-Headed by Kapelye clarinetist Ken Maltz is open to all young
adult musicians who are already proficient on instruments in their school or
community bands and can read music.

*Mandolin Orchestra- Klezmer Conservatory Band plectrum player Jeff
Warschauer will again lead the exciting Mandolin Orchestra for intermediate
players and up. 

*Fidl Kapelye- KlezKamp's new string band for all members of the viol family.
For intermediate players and up. 

Our innovative KlezKids program is divided into three ages 2-5, 6-11 and
12-17. These programs provide an enthusiastic educational environment
unmatched anywhere to expose a new generation of children to the riches of
Yiddish culture. Junior musicians  can play klezmer music with the
"Oomchicks" or the "Klezmer Youth Orchestra". Our critically acclaimed
KlezKids staff is supervised by Shari Davis and includes Benny Ferdman,
Deborah Berman, Ruthie Herzlinger, Debby Cohen-Mlotek, Jeffrey Salant and
Merlin Shepard.

*"Mame Loshn un di Amerikane Svive": Poet Irena Klepfisz examines the
attitude of American Yiddish writers and intellectuals toward language and
Yidishkayt. Readings (in Yiddish with English translations) will include
works by Raskin, Molodowsky and Glatstein. No knowledge of Yiddish is

*"Sholem Aleichem in America" Author and Sholem Aleichem eynikl Bel Kaufman
will offer readings and reminiscences of her grandfather's works and last
days in America. 
*"100 Years of Jewish American Song"
Adrienne Cooper surveys songs that were the creative response to the
encounter between Jewish immigrants and America. This class open to all who
love to sing explores the wide range of folk, popular and Yiddish theater

*"Traditional Song Style"
Brave Old World singer Michael Alpert focuses on the finer points of
ornamentation, pronounciation and style for experienced singers.

Coaching for performing singers in diction and style in performance with
instrumental ensembles.

*"Theater and Art Song Master Class"
An intesive labortaory for singers exploring the stage and concert repertoire
conducted by Adrienne Cooper and Zalmen Mlotek.For performers.

*"KlezKamp Community Chorus" 
All KlezKampers are invited to join Zalmen Mlotek in singing fun and
challenging arrangements of Yiddish folk , theater and art songs. 
*"Spirituality and Jewish Music"
Hebrew Union College ethnomusicologist Mark Kligman explores the
interconnections between genres of Jewish music including khazones, hasidic
and klezmer.

* Join pioneering Canadian theater director Dora Wasserman as she presents
and coaches scenes from classic Yiddish theater plays  which explore the
arrival of East European Jews to the American shore. Open to all who speak


*Beginning: Perl Teitelbaum offers an introductory class in reading, writing
and conversation.
*Intermediate: Pessl Beckler Semel Stern returns to teach a class aimed at
students with basic writing and comprehension skills.
*Advanced: KlezKamp is happy to welcome back veteran Yiddish instructor
Pesakh Fiszman who will present an advanced class featuring readings and
excerpts of Yiddish literature and prose.

Canada's gift to Yiddish, Michael Wex returns to offer "From Kiddush to
Kaddish" his third annual joyride through the backroads of unexplored Yiddish
its uses and derivations. No knowledge of Yiddish is required.

* PLUS: Nightly kabarets, dancing to live music, impromptu concerts,
lectures, films, organzied "slow jams" for beginning players, and SUPRISE

* Join us in honoring the life and career of Benjamin Gebiner Forward
journalist, WEVD commentator and Executive Director Emeritus of the Workmen's
Circle as he talks about his career in Jewish education, social service and
journalism. The 96 year old Professor Gebiner will be given our annual
Lifetime Achievement Award during a ceremony at KlezKamp. 
* All attendees are cordially invited to the bar mitzvah of KlezKamp veteran
Lincoln Schnur-Fishman son of Rabbi Susan Schnur and Leonard Fishman as he
celebrates his coming of age. 
* Juggling diva and comedienne Sara Felder will present the New York premier
of her critically acclaimed one woman show "June Bride".   

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