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Moshiach may be near! (was Re: Sugihara Holocaust Tribute In NY)

An entirely positive message from YS!
And two sentences ending in periods!
Yasher koach, Yehuda.

ysilver (at) panix(dot)com (Yehuda SIlver) wrote:
>Actually, the Mirrer Yeshiva a few years back, held their anniversery dinner
>in his honor!
>The Mir Yeshiva was the only yeshiva that as a "group" was saved, although
>many other yeshiva students had flocked to mir, at the begging of the
>Russian takeover of Lithunaia (under the infamous 1939 concordate
>The deeds of Sugihara were documented a few times in books, that never
>achieved much circulation outside the yeshiva community, but Sugihara's
>deeds were remembered and written about many times!
>It was only after "Schindler's list" becoame popular, and the Japanese were
>also interested in countering "Japan bashing" did he bveomce known to
>the larger public.
>Sugihara was tha Japanese counssel in Kovno (to this day no one knows why
>japan had a consulate in kovno, which was unimportant commercaily, and chose
>Sugihara as a one of the least important new members of the foreign ministy!
>When he returned to Japan he was fired at the request of the Nazi's.
>He was one of the few real authentic Japanese hero's of the war!
>While he was always remebered in yeshiva circles, it was only recently
>that the Japanese government, and the wider public gave him beletedly the
>recognition his memory deserves!

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