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Re: WED. Oct. 11th is National Coming Out Day COME OUT! DO IT! Life is easier...

On Wed, 25 Oct 1995, Matthew H. Fields wrote:

> I am tired of hearing your homophobic baloney.  
> You have made it clear that you would distance yourself from Jewish
> homosexuals and bisexuals if they were leaving M3Rym today, c.f. the
> parable of the wicked son.
> I am a Jew, and I reject halacha.  Deal with it or not, I certainly
> won't accept any "shoulds" from you, much less from authors of ancient
> folklore or medieval legislators, thank you very much.
> I'm no longer interested in receiving any more e-mail from you on the
> matter, either.

If you, dear sir, feel it necessary to impose baseless opinions on me, 
then so be it. I will no longer respond to you. However, if you insist on 
misquoting me and trying to insult our great Rabbis, then I demand to be 

Much as you are inviting it, I will not strike at your other statements. 
If you feel civilized enough to allow a response to your statements, then 
please e-mail me. Otherwise, don't shout out your argument then plug your 
ears like a child.

*                                   *                       *     
*         Daniel Bernstein          *    bernste (at) brachot(dot)   *     
* Jerusalem College of Technology   *       *     
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* "Took an hour to bury the cat. Silly thing kept moving."  *
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