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Re: goy

> Date sent:      10 Aug 1995 18:01:17 GMT
> Send reply to:  fields (at) zip(dot)eecs(dot)umich(dot)edu
> From:           fields (at) zip(dot)eecs(dot)umich(dot)edu (Matthew H. Fields)
   World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) 
> Subject:        Re: goy

> Hmmm, funny, I had heard "di goy" as plural, with no ending, too.
I think the usual plural is 'gojim'. Actually, there is a very good 
Dutch klezmer band called `Di Gojim'. Speaking of which: I study 
history and I'm writing my final thesis about klezmer music and 
musicians. Any suggestions on literature and people I should contact 
are welcome!

Gerben Zaagsma
g(dot)b(dot)zaagsma (at) let(dot)rug(dot)nl
    Gerben Zaagsma                       |  "We're in this together
    Koninginnelaan 35                    |   and ever..." 
    9717 BN  Groningen                   |  
    050-131304                           |    (Spinal Tap)
    e-mail: g(dot)b(dot)zaagsma (at) let(dot)rug(dot)nl       |

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