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More tehilim needed

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Date: Fri, 28 Jul 95 13:52:41 eet
From: medic (at) netvision(dot)net(dot)il
To: D'n Russler <d_n (at) jer1(dot)co(dot)il>

Have a good shabbos. As we enter the nine days, let us all pray for the 
great day and to get out of this mess..

BTW, please daven for Chaim Tzvi Ben Chania. Her is a 30 year old 
paramedic in NYC (a good friens).

He required surgery after an auto accident. They gave him the wrong type 
blood. His heart stoppped and he went into kidney failure. He is in critical 

Spread the word please. He need tefilla of Eretz Yiroel;

E-mail: medic (at) mail(dot)netvision(dot)net(dot)il
Yechiel Spira, AEMT/P
POB 50486
Jerusalem, Israel 91504
Date: 06/15/95
Time: 08:49:22

This message was sent by Chameleon 

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