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The new generation

   The United States of America was founded on the basis that all men are
created equal. Over the course of history, it became necessary to add to
this statement and thus make it better and truer. The country began to
accept African-Americans and women as equalities, as well as virtually any
other kind of person alive. It was meant to be a melting pot, and strives
every day to overcome man¹s natural sense of discrimination. 
   Certain times, man must be open to new change, without holding
discrimination against any certain group of people. We have accepted any
race, religion,  sex, or ethnic group as equals in our society, but one
important group  is sometimes overlooked. 
   The age of a person usually determines a lot about them. The younger
age is thought to be still maturing, and a person over the age of 18 is
usually thought to be fully matured. They are ready to be set free of
parental supervision and ready to make decisions by themselves.
   Who determines the point at which children become adults? Stereotypes.
The person who doesn¹t believe in stereotypes and judges someone by who
they are and not what they are, is truly free of all discrimination. 
   Unfortunately, society still has no need for children and many laws
prove this. The saying ³Children should be seen and not heard² is a very
good metaphor for their place in society. In the 1800s, many people
thought that blacks should stay in the fields and women belong in the
kitchen. Once they showed people that they were truly equals, these
sayings were ridiculous. If children were given a place in society, they
can prove themselves as equals also. 


   The biggest problem with age discrimination isn¹t society¹s neglect for
children, it is the laws that limit children¹s power. Laws have left
children out because they are thought to be property of their parents. If
adults really wanted to keep children away, they should have never
enforced learning. They insist that children learn but they really don¹t
want them to think. If children think about what is going on, then a
problem may arouse. 
   However, nothing can be changed if no adults are willing to help.
Children do not have the power to change things by themselves with their
current place in society. They can¹t change anything by physical force,
because they can¹t even own a weapon. Adults think that they will shoot
their friends by accident. Children, however, are not the only ones who
have accidents. It has been proven that most adults can¹t even handle a
gun without hurting someone.
   One major reason that children are looked down on is because they don¹t
have a college education, and everyone thinks that it takes all of
adolescence trying to get a college education. But still children are
forced to learn Algebra, science, and history, when most people know
exactly what they want to do with their life before they reach the age 16.
Only about 10 percent require an advanced education in algebra, science,
or history. I realize that some education in these areas is necessary, but
when a high school student, or even a middle school student can¹t have any
parental help with their homework because it¹s over their parent¹s head,
then some people may wonder if what they are learning is useful. 


   Anybody with even a small bit of intelligence would know that if all
children were set free from adult supervision, and were free to do
anything, then the country would be full of chaos. 
   Our suggestion is to organize a system. For example, improving the
driving test to fit all ages would be a perfect start. If someone can pass
the driving test at age 13, then why can¹t they drive until 16? If you
answer that question with one word, maturity, then you are like most
people. If you truly think about it though, this is a very discriminating
answer. No one can judge maturity by age, because everyone is different.
   If you¹re wondering what you can do to help this matter, start with
yourself. If you have kids, start letting them make more decisions. If you
are a kid, demand more freedom. Any help would be appreciated, because
this is something that I believe in strongly. 
   I¹m sure you¹ve heard the old parental saying, ³When you start acting
like an adult, I¹ll start treating you like an adult.² My response to this
is ³When you start treating me like an adult, I¹ll start acting like an
adult.² It¹s hard to act like an adult when you¹re being told what to do
with the response ³Because I said so.² It¹s a good feeling to stand up to
a person who has been bossing you around all your life. If the old saying
³Life¹s not fair² is true, then why can¹t we try to make life a little
more fair for everybody.

   For more information about my point of view, or just to tell me what
you think, email rachelh (at) freenet3(dot)scri(dot)fsu(dot)edu
   But please, I ask you to not email me with hate mail that has no
meaning, and I understand that this message may not fit in with the
subject of your newsgroup, but if you¹re thinking about what I¹ve read,
then my work is done.

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