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How do I find the Ofra Haza FAQ ?

  I would like to be able to get info on Ofra Haza;  Is there a FAQ that
I could access?

  I am interested in finding when she will be playing in the United States.
Also, does anyone know of a source for Ofra Haza videos?

Robert Kaiser   kaiser (at) pofvax(dot)pnb(dot)sunysb(dot)edu

Geek Code     d H- S !g p1 au a- w+ V+ c+ U- E- N++ W V+ po Y+ 
t++ 5+++ R G' tv+ b++ B-- e++++ u+ f+ r h+ y+
Hebrew Geek Code  S+ Fa1 TM-1/TM M K+ H+ T t SY+= & SYCh &SY+++,A
AT++ Te+/Te++ SC FO++= D+ P+ Tz++ E+ L-
(e-mail me for info on the Hebrew Geek code)

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