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New Music from Jewish Super-Star AVRAHAM FRIED


Blessing and Success Hit the Charts

by L.K. Dayas

        "Teach me how to sing" -- a line from Avrohom Fried's new, #1
English hit
from the newly released recording B'rachah V'hatzlacha (Blessing &
-- launches us on a journey through the wonderful world of music.
        Natural, yet superbly professional, are the only words to describe
newest work. With B'rachah V'hatzlacha, Fried takes Jewish music to its
highest level.
        With his unique talent and command of his voice Avrohom Fried --
by the skillful Neshoma Orchestra and artistic adult and children's choirs
takes his listeners through modern, entirely new sounds, brilliantly
chazonos and the most incredible harmonies.
        The catchy "Odom Doeg" ("Man Worries") brings out the irony of the
human rat
race, where money becomes more important than irreplaceable time. The fast
moving "K'shem" takes you dancing to the moon. "Yerushalayim" expresses
deep yearning of every Jew towards Jerusalem. "Sisu," follows in the
footsteps of Fried's last great hit, "Boruch Haba Melech Hamashiach." The
hit, "Don't Hide from Me," is a stirring love song filled with pain, tears
and the eternal desire of every Jew to be re-united with our Father whose
"Two thousand years of hiding, is a million years too long!"
        These sounds -- so fresh and new, vibrant and alive -- have moved
listener to sing these tunes regardless of the fact that I so desperately
needs to be taught how to sing.

This review was published in the Algemeiner Journal and posted with their

for more info: write to:

BoruchJ (at) aol(dot)com


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