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Sof Hatovah Lavo


Sof HaTovah Lavo is the title of the new CD/Cassette by Gaddi Zerbib,
out now on Metika Records.  This is up-beat Frum music to challenge the 
likes of Mordecai Ben-David and Avrahom Freid, the next generation of
Kosher rock.  In Contrast to these two singers Gaddi composes, arranges
and performs all his own material, and the influences to his music come 
from far more varied sources than just Klezmer and Rock.  Listen to Gaddi 
and you will here World Music, a cosmopolitan sound for a cosmopolitan
people, Rock, Jazz, Reggae, Soul, klezmer and MizraHi blended with the
spirit of Torah.

Gaddi is an Israeli singer now living and working in the UK, he also 
plays Keyboards and Drums, and is a veteran of the now legendary 
Diaspora Yeshiva band. 

Definately worth a listen.

Metika records can be contacted by snail-mail at:
        1 Albert Road
        London NW4

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