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BRIMSTONE: "Sudden Destruction"

Listed below are the titles and descriptions of BRIMSTONES' new release
called "Sudden Destruction".  The album has a very strong message about
the soon coming return of the MESSIAH.  You can read our review in Ryan
Sager's publication called "LineNoise".  An order blank is included in
this posting.  Satisfaction is guaranteed or your money will be refunded.
Scripture references are included above the lyrics and make for an eye
opening Bible study.

                 "SUDDEN DESTRUCTION"

1) The River- It?s a  folky soft rock tune written after the great midwest
 flood of ?93.  We took it personally.  Our drummer lost his home to the
flood and so did one of the guys from the studio. We end it with a
positive cause & effect moral.

2) Total Overview- After recording this one, we all commented that it sort
of sounds like the Moody Blues.  Dave piped in and said "more like the
Moody Jews".  It?s a nickname that has stuck to us. (We are Sabbath
keeping Christians and a lot of people think we are Jewish anyway)

3) Mighty Men of Olde-  Barry was inspired to write this way back in 1972
when he was just a lad.  Compares the time before the Noatian deluge with
our time today, and ends with the prophecy concering this generation. 
Teresa?s vocals really augment this folk  song.

4) Red Moon- This one was written one Sabbath evening as the huge reddish
orange moon was coming up over the horizon.  The prophecy in the book of
Joel came to mind.  A hard-hitting rock tune developed.  The rest is

5) The Tribulation- We weren?t sure we could use this one.  It sounded
empty and without enough punch for BRIMSTONE.  But then Bones set the pace
by laying down a dynamite drum part.  Doc?s bass line made us think the
song had a chance to live.  Jesse came through with some unique sounding
keyboards that brought the song back to life.  We now thinks it?s one of
our best.  The ending is a blast.

6) A Woman Who Fears the Lord-  Written by Barry for his awe inspiring
wife Elise and was sung at their wedding  (But she wouldn?t let Barry sing
it there) . Every album needs a mellow love song or two.

7) Prince of the Scarlet Thread-  Was originally going to  be the title
song of the album.  This quick moving ballad tells the awesome story of
where the throne of David can be found today.  

8) Sudden Destruction- Our title song.  Austin?s electric lead comes to
life here in a dramatic way.  This one might get us into trouble if people
don?t listen closely to the lyrics.  The semi-cloaked message we deliver
here is the most impoortant truth for understanding end-time bible
prophecy.   The title song of our next album will completly decloak the
meaning, and tears of joy and sorrow will fill your eyes with the profound
understanding that will be revealed then.  One thing to remember, this
song is not about that country in the middle east called "Israel".

9) Patiently Waiting- The key to this song was the drums.  Bones brings us
in and out of some very difficult rythm changes dynamically and with
precision. The acoustic lead in this song builds to a crescendo during an
inspiring 32 measure riff.  The lyrics speak of the powerful and
triumjphant return of the Messiah.

10) Somethin? Good- We wanted to end on  a positive note, and this tune
filled the bill.  It?s just a good old fashioned rock and roll tune.  It
has a surprise intro and some pretty meaningful and thought provoking

If you are ready to order, Here's how!
CDs      -  13.50
(Prices include all postage and packaging)

Make check or money order payable to BRIMSTONE and send with return
address to:
               PO Box 2452
               St. Louis, MO 63114
St. Louis area residents can find this release at all Best Buy stores, One
Way Book stores,  Blockbuster Music,  Music Biz and Music Vision stores.  

We pray you will be inspired by this album.

Your friend in Christ,  

Barry Gannon
House of Brimstone Publishing, BMI

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