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Re: Info. on "the Jewish Mikado"?

On Tue, 9 May 1995, Charles H Berg wrote:

> My Mother asked me if I had ever heard of a "shund" Yiddish musical
> called "Der Yiddishe Mikado".  Sandrow's book on Yiddish theatre has
> no such reference, so I was hoping some landsman here in cyberspace
> might have heard of it?

I have certainly _heard_ of it (as well as Yiddish versions of other 
Gilbert & Sullivan works), but I really would have no idea where to look 
for lyrics. Either the "Mikado" or "Pirates of Penzance" in Yiddish was 
performed at Brooklyn College (BCBC) a year and a half ago. I'll keep an 
eye out for it, though. 

| Richard S. Sevrinsky            | "Life is an anticipation of..."  |
| sevrins (at) cucis(dot)cis(dot)columbia(dot)edu  |                         - 
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| rs305 (at) columbia(dot)edu              |                                  |

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