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Jewish Music Festival, London, England.


                 Bnai Brith Jewish Music Festival
                          London, England

              --  Sacred Music of Two Traditions  --

The following is a proposed programme in association with the 
Council of Christians and Jews, 6-16 November, 1995. 

The highlight of the programme is...

  A concert of Christian and Jewish Music at St. Paul's Cathedral
                        London EC4, England

                     Yehudi Menuhin, Conductor

Bloch: Sacred Service,
Mendelssohn: Magnificat,
Brahms: psalm settings,
Singer: Psalms for Today - a setting of the work of the Nicaraguan 
  poet Ernesto Cardinale (world premiere).

Bob Borowsky, baritone, Australian cantor soloist who performs with 
the Sydney Opera,
Andrew Lucas, organ,
Choir of St. Paul's Cathedral, conducted by John Scott,
Collegiate Singers, directed by Andrew Millinger,
The Zemel Choir,
Alyth Choral Society.

The concert will be introduced by the Dean of St. Paul's.

St. Paul's Cathedral, Tuesday 14th November 1995 at 7.00 pm.
Tickets: Barbican Box Office, +44 (0)171-638 8891


Not all details have been finalised yet. The programme includes the 

Mon 6 Nov: Lecture: Early Jewish music and its relationship to early 
  Christian chant, at St. Paul's Cathedral. Under the auspices of the 
  London Society of Jews and Christians. Lecturer: Alexander Knapp.

Tue 7 Nov: Cantorial demonstration/masterclass.
  (Jewish Studies Department at City University, London.)

Wed 8 Nov: Synagogue tour and then learn about and join in family 
  songs and prayers from the Jewish Tradition. Sabbath songs to sing 
  at the table, songs for Passover, etc.

Sun 12 Nov: Guided walks in the City and East End of London (morning)
Sun 12 Nov: Jewish and Christian remembrance event (CCJ)

Tue 14 Nov: Concert at St. Paul's Cathedral, conducted by Yehudi Menuhin.
  Pre-concert Reception: St. Paul's Crypt, 5.45 pm for 7.00 pm concert.
  Pre-concert talk on Bloch's Sacred Service, 4.30 pm at City University.

Tue 14 Nov: (Season opens). Julia Pascall Theatre Trilogy. 
  New End Theatre, 27 New End, London NW3 1JD. Tel: +44 (0)171-794 0022.
  a.. Theresa - a dance theatre work of 90 minutes. Music by Kyla Greenbaum.
  b.. A Dead Woman on Holiday - a love story set in the Nuremburg Trials.
  c.. The Dybbuk - a modern play inspired by Anski's great Yiddish 

Wed 15 Nov: Concert of Organ Music by Jewish Composers, 7.30 pm.
  Notre Dame de France, Leicester Place, off Leicester Square, 
  London W1. Featuring Duncan Middleton - Organist Titulaire of the 
  Roman Catholic Church, Bridget Marshall - organist of the concert.
  Tel: +44 (0)920-460 454.

Thu 16 Nov: A Celebration of Psalms - A sing-a-long in Psalms and 
  Christian and Jewish settings.


The programme at St. Paul's Cathedral is fixed. The other events are firm, 
but may be revised. Should you wish to receive further information by 
e-mail as and when it becomes available, please send e-mail to me
<rwsh (at) dircon(dot)co(dot)uk> with the following message 'subscribe 

The Jewish Music Festival is able to arrange reasonably priced hotel
accomodation in London. For further details, please get in touch directly 
with the Jewish Music Festival, P.O. Box 232, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2NN, 
England. Tel: +44 (0)181-909 2445. Fax: +44 (0)181 909 1030.

I have posted this notice as a "well-wisher" of the Jewish Music Festival.

Roger Harris.

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