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concert in the Boston area

Those of you who live in the Boston area may want to attend
a concert by the Zamir Chorale on Sunday, April 30 at 7:30pm at
Temple Mishkan Tefila in Chestnut Hill.
The program is entitled: Seasons of Our Joy and will trace,
through music, the festivals of the Jewish year from Sukkot/Simchat
Torah, through Chanukah and Purim and Pesach and Shavu'ot and Yom
Ha'Atsma'ut. Also on the program will be several exciting settings
of the Hallel. Some selections will be familiar, others are more unusual.
Ashkenazic and Sephardic traditions are represented.
The concert is in a POPS format. Holiday food will be available for 
purchase and the audience will be seated at cafe tables.
To purchase tickets call Mark Miller at 617-965-6522
or e-mail 76407(dot)3315 (at) compuserve(dot)com

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