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Re: Velvel Pasternak's Phone Number

On april 6th Hammagid wrote:
>>Velvel Pasternak, founder of TARA
Publications has the sheet music as well as the recordings.  He is in New
York,  (not (212) area code)  He will be able to help you.

If want to contact Tara about product please call 1-800-TARA-400. This number 
will be the clearing house for all requests in the future. If we are not able 
to provide you with the materials and answers that you are seeking, we will 
put you in contact with Mr. Pasternak directly. The volume of phone calls Mr. 
Pasternak receives is staggering. The goal is to free up his time, so that he 
may continue with his important research and new publications. Your 
cooperation is appreciated.

The Management of Tara Publications

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