Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Re: Mailing List for Klezmer Music

Yes, I've found a klezmer music list, and a great one it is.

Der bay, a monthly Yiddish newsletter published in the Bay (pun 
intended) Area, offers lists of klezmer bands (more than 100, I 
recollect!  :-]) and radio announcers (including yours truly, who co-
hosts a Jewish radio show in Vancouver, British Columbia), as well as of 
Yiddish clubs, teachers and computer mavens.  Information is fre to 
contributors who send a SASE.

The editor is Philip "Fishl" Kutner, 1128 Tanglewood Way, San Mateo, CA  
94403.  His home phone is (415) 349-6946; e-mail is fishl (at) 

Make checks for der bay's support payable to the Peninsula JCC (PJCC), 
and send it and all mail to Kutner.

Der Bay's list is, quite simply, the best that I've seen -- hands down.  
I even ran into -- and received a reply from -- a Swiss band.

Ethan Minovitz

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