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Public Apology (was Re: The Rabbis Adler)

At 2:16 PM 1/23/95, Maplestaff (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
>"The First Family of Jewish Bluegrass" -
>Maplestaff Music has released two albums by Rabbis Bruce and Donna Adler: :
>"Walk Humbly With Thy God," and "If It Be Thy Will."
>The "Bluegrass Rabbis" create a unique style of music which combines
>inspirational Jewish themes with the sounds of banjo, fiddle and guitar
>characteristic of traditional American bluegrass.

I responded thus:
>That's strange; I remember hearing on NPR a male/female duet with
>guitar accompanyment singing a folkish setting of "If It Be Thy Will",
>but it was an Xian text. Something about J nearly chickening-out on
>the crucifiction and praying that G-d would "take this cup from me",
>or something like that. Do I have the same song here, or am I completely

Rabbi Bruce Adler wrote me a note to let me know that yes, indeed, Daniel
_IS_ completely _vermished_ (and perhaps even _vershimmelt_). No offense
was intended, and R. Adler was very polite about the misunderstanding. If
I'd had half a brain, I suppose I might have checked my facts privately
with Maplestaff (at) aol(dot)com before blundering and blabbering all over the
listserve / newsgroup.

Some folks in the entertainment industry say, "Say anything you want about
me as long as you spell my name right," but I think Jewish music (and
discussion thereof) should be held to a higher standard, especially with
regard to halachot Lashon haRah (Jewish laws regarding gossip). I'm sorry,
Rabbi. I'm sorry, chevrah.

The simplest way to stop a flamewar is to breathe deeply, swallow
your bile and just LET an idiot have the last word. - me
Daniel Walker - walker (at) usit(dot)net - Quark XPress (QUARKXPR) list co-owner

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