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Re: Favorite Carlebach Song

Primerib1 (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> Shalom, all.  I am a devotee of the incomparable R' Shlomo Carlebach, z"l,
> and would like to know:

> What is your favorite Shlomo Carlebach song?
My favorite is "Uva"; My klezmer band, Klezmania, New Orleans' first
klezmer group, backed up the late Rabbi about 8 years ago. He left his guitar in
Israel, had to borrow mine, was supposed to send music and never did,
was supposed to rehearse 2 hours before the show. He arrived an hour
late- we had to start playing our stuff to fill in, and when he did
arrive, this was our rehearsal- Carbach " Ok, let's play. Be free
 and deep."
He capo'd at the 3rd fret and we played 2 hours of tunes in C!
And he was wonderful!

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