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Re: ===>> $149/month *unlimited calls* USA long distance plan

In article <Pine(dot)3(dot)89(dot)9412241428(dot)A27790-0100000 (at) 
   Hope Ehn Dennis Ehn <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com> writes:

> I don't seem to have received a response to the complaint I made last
> night to <postmaster (at) penet(dot)fi>. I suppose that's a sign of one good 
> thing
> -- the message hasn't bounced (yet).

I sent the mail back to it's originator and was automatically registered with
and "anonymous" id at  It looks as though this site is set up to
assist people who want to abuse the internet.

I will try your suggestion of a message to the postmaster.
Fred Weil                                               fredw (at) 

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