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Re: I have just beem exposed to klezmer and need more!

NBOP (nbop (at) aol(dot)com) wrote:
: Try the Flying Bulghurs. I'm not certain of the label, but they are very
: lively. There is also a compilation called Brave Old World, and Don Byron
: did a funny Klezmer album a couple of years ago. I think Don Byron is
: Jamaican.

Brave Old World is excellent - I just saw one of their members, Michael
Alpert play at the Smithsonian.  The album is called Beyond the Pale, and
is by Rounder Records (try 1-800-44-DISCS), though a caveat - it borders
on Klezmer-influenced Jazz and includes some original Yiddish pieces (not
old stuff).  As for the Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band, they are from Toronto
and are a bit more traditional - very good.  It may be hard to find their
recordings outside Canada, especially since it seems to me it was
produced independently.  Try writing Flying Bulgar Recordings, 25
Delaware Ave., Toronto, Ont. Canada, M6H-2S8.

|       The NIEDZVIECKIS - Orie and Jen
|               A house, a car, 2.7 kids, one cat and a dog

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