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Hasidic Music, Pros and C

Michael Chapnik asked the following:

CK.Hasidic Music, lai-da-dai, yai-da-dai, lai-da-dai, de-de-doy,
..we all love to rag on Hasidic music for being "schmaltzy" or perhaps a bit
..too heavy-metal for our taste. But really, who has ever heard music like
..this before? Sure, songs about Moshiach, and building up the Temple, and
..the lyrics of the prophets put to music actually date back centuries, but
..who in this day and age listens to such stuff in their car driving to Any responses?

MC -- I'm not sure if this was a rhetorical question or not, but in
between tapes of the Indigo Girls, Eric Clapton and Nanci Griffith, I
have taken tapes of Karl Haas's High Holiday programs and Carlebach's
"I Heard the Wall Singing" in my headphones on the bus.  We can't
listen to tapes at work; we wouldn't hear the phones ringing or our co-
workers kvetching.  But I really enjoyed the RH and YK music; it
heightened the 10 Days of Repentance and extended the reflective
period even more.  With Carlebach, though, I felt like dancing down
the aisle.
.. 1st 1.11 #4599 . Are Dog Biscuits Made From Collie Flour?

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