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cantor school


    I subscribed to this list many months  ago and have only read until
now.  I am a Roman Catholic who started his musical career by being a
cantor in my church.  I have been very interested in the discusion of
appropriate music for service as we also face the choice of traditional or folk style.  I am impressed by the people who have written in,
you all seem to be in search of spiritual music where I find myself
seeing worship music in terms of good or bad, traditional or folk.

   My question is for those of you studying at Cantor School.  What do
they teach you, what courses are offered etc.?  I realize this is a
question that could only come from a gentile but I would honestly like to
know.  Thank you in advance for your responses.

Jonathan McCallum
jmccallu (at) paul(dot)spu(dot)edu

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