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Re: E-Mail me

On 17 Dec 1994, Carl Selkin wrote:

> I ve been on this group for a while, and I'd really like to know how
many people > there are on this group. If you read this message, I would
really like it if you > could respond to me, with your name(optional),
E-mail address, why you like the group, favorite musicians, favorite type
of JEwish music, favorite group, andq > most of all your favorite food. I
saw the movie "The Last Klezmer," and the > maincharacter ( I forget his
name) says "A jew without garlic is not a Jew," > So live by this saing, I
do. E-Mail me at: cselkin (at) jupiter(dot)calstatela(dot)edu(dot) > Thanks
> --

Adrian A. Durlester
durleste (at) plains(dot)nodak(dot)edu (along with the other addresses in my 
.sig, below)

This group is not as active as I'd like to see it. I am interested in
Jewish music of all kinds, and this list provides me with information on
music that might not mormally come within the limited purview of my
involvement with contemporary Jewish music and liturgical music.

I'll unabashedly admit to enjoying the work of all the following Jewish
musicians:  Debbie Friedman, Julie Silver, Kol B'Seder (Jeff Klepper and
Dan Freelander), Safam, Lessia, Mordecai Avraham, Ketzev, Jon Simon, and
anything by any Klezmer band. Though I listen to the music of Doug Cotler
and Craig Taubman, it's not quite my cup of tea. As a liturgical
musician, I enjoy just as much the work of the more traditional
contemporary masters - Sulzer, Lewandowski, Carlebach (may his memory be
for a blessing), Pik, et al. I have Ben Sidran's "Life's A Lesson" CD,
but it, too, doesn't get much play in my household. I'm also a big sucker
for 60s/70s vintage Israeli music, as well as arrangements of the older
pioneer Zionist songs.

A favorite food? Anything my mother or grandmothers ever made. With
garlic. Unfortunately, one doesn't get much in the way of exciting Jewish
cuisine in Fargo, North Dakota! (Mother is, of course, still in NYC.) What I
wouldn't give for one good pickle from the bottom of the barrel.

durleste (at) plains(dot)NoDak(dot)edu                        Also Available at:
Adrian A. Durlester
Production Manager/TD                   durleste (at) badlands(dot)NoDak(dot)edu
Festival Concert Hall                   Compuserve: 72507,471
North Dakota State University           AOL:AdrianD
PO Box 5691                             USITT/CITT CallBoard:
Fargo, ND 58105                         adurlest (at) acs(dot)ucalgary(dot)ca

PHONE: (701) 231-7308     FAX: 701.231.2085
                           or  701.231.8043

"Lo alecha hamlecha ligmor v'lo ata ben chorin l'hivatel mimena"
"It is not your job to complete the task, neither are you free
 to refrain from beginning it." (Pirkei Avot)

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