Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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E-Mail me

I ve been on this group for a while, and I'd really like to know how many people
there are on this group. If you read this message, I would really like it if you
could respond to me, with your name(optional), E-mail address, why you like the 
group, favorite musicians, favorite type of JEwish music, favorite group, andq
most of all your favorite food. I saw the movie "The Last Klezmer," and the
maincharacter ( I forget his name) says "A jew without garlic is not a Jew,"
So live by this saing, I do. E-Mail me at: cselkin (at) 
                         -Eli Selkin C/O
        Carl Selkin Acting Dean of the School of Arts and Letters
         Please Respond to me   (e-MAIL ADDRESS ):

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