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Klezmer recs anyone?

I looked for a FAQ on this group (there wasn't one) and have been
watching for a while and can't quite figure out if this is the right
group for this but it seems like it should be.

I would like to get a few recent cd's of klezmer music and keep my
eye out for classic '78s and would like to know what to look for.

I realize the classics are the classics and I guess any bands that
folks think of as good, I would put on my shopping list.  For recent
work, I have a bit more in mind.  What I would like to know is a few
disks that are particularly "rocking".  I've heard some work on the
radio that I really liked and recently saw a street band in London
that was great.  Since then, I have been thinking that this is a whole
in my collection that I must fill.

If anyone has any recommendations post them here or email them to me.
I will compile and post all suggestions.  Be warned that my site has a
two day limit on this group so if something comes on over the weekend,
I might miss it but I will make every effort not to.

I have spoken to a few people about this and I can start the list with
a band (or album title?) suggested to me:

Brave Old World

If anyone has any others, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance


Topic No. 137

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