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Re: mikhoels

> I am a PhD student of Soviet history at Georgetown University working on
> an article on the Soviet Jewish theater music of the 1920s.  I am writing
> to inquire if anybody on this list either knows, or could obtain for me,
> the address of Solomon Mikhoels' (the great Soviet Yiddish actor) daughter,
> Natalia Vovsi-Mikhoels, who in 1987 resided in Tel-Aviv and I believe
> still does.  For those interested, S. Mikhoels was a pivotal figure in the
> development of Yiddish plastic arts in the Soviet Union of the 1920s and
> was later head of the anti-fascist league during World War II before being
> murdered by Stalin's agents immediately after the war.
>                               Jeff Veidlinger

        You might try asking Zachary Baker, the chief librarian at the YIVO
Institute for Jewish Research (BM(dot)YIB (at) RLG(dot)STANFORD(dot)EDU).
                Bob Rothstein


Topic No. 98

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