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Re: Natural Gathering

I have the following recordings from them:

        habrera hativit, eli shorashim
        habrera hativit, m'chachim l'samson - live 22.12.1979, 1979
        habrera hativit, chut sh'zur, 1982
        habrera hativit, m'chutz l'chomos - beyond the walls, 1988
        habrera hativit, matoch ch'lim shevorim

(Sorry, my transliterations are probably awful).

I saw them most recently last May, in Jerusalem - they play pretty
frequently, and they are still recording.

I think my favorite of the records I have is their live 1979
recording, with a brilliant rendition of Shcharchoret.  Eli Shorashim
is the first one, I think, with the great Dror Yikra.

        Andrew Tannenbaum   Brookline, MA  USA


Topic No. 19

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