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Re: New Muzsika's album

The tapeto which you refer is most interesting.  I recently acquired it
in a punk-rock music store in Albuquerque, a city that has been an
underground hotbed of Jewish culture for 400 years.

The tape is very nice.  The music is klezmorisch, but without winds or
brass.  They're a string band.  The liner notes are extensive and
detailed.  It seems that the members of the group are not Jewish, but are
archeo-anthropo-musicologically oriented, and they are in fact joined on
the tape by village musicians who had played with Jewish village bands
before the Shoah.

I can't comment on the authenticity of the performances, but it is an
interesting tape.

WIlliam Aronstein

On Mon, 10 Jan 1994, Kevin B Cohen wrote:

> I understand that the Hungarian group "Muzsika's" has put out an album
> of Hungarian Jewish music. Apparently they got together with a couple
> of guys who had played with Jewish musicians a lot before the war....

> Anyone know the album? Like it? Does it have liner notes?


Topic No. 17

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