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Re: ...while driving...

>From article <2b3hlt$ka4 (at) zip(dot)eecs(dot)umich(dot)edu>, by fields (at) 
>zip(dot)eecs(dot)umich(dot)edu (Matthew H. Fields):

> Actually, I once rode on the passenger side with a guy who played
> C melody sax while driving.  He'd just gotten the instrument back from
> the refurbisher, and was on his way to his first lesson, convinced that
> at last he had exactly what he needed to become a great Klezmer.  A week
> later he decided to sell the sax and get a clarinet, convinced that the
> latter was a) more Klezmeriddik and b) easier to play.

> He didn't have any insurance at the time.

> I haven't seen him for a couple of years, but I understand he still works
> as a clinical psychologist in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

This wasn't Milton Rokeach, by any chance? Author of the great _The Three
Christs of Ypsilanti_? (*Must* reading for anybody who has or plans
an academic career.)


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