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Re: Israeli music sale

>I think that "Carmela Gross & Wagner" is the artist, not the CD title.

Could be. There is a song on the CD, "Carmela Gross & Wagner," and a
song on the CD, " But I guess you're correct--now that I look more
closely, I see "Carmela Gross & Wagner" credited for the arrangements.
Still, a very interesting CD.

And, now, only a year after he first mentioned it, I understand why Yudel
was so excited about Shlomo Artzi's "Luna Park." This is one exciting
album, both musically and lyrically.

I should also mention Lahakat S'fatayim's album, "Dor la-dor" (from
generation to generation) as an outstanding "roots" album. I wasn't
blown away by the group's double album (last year?), but this is great.
Highly recommended.

jmusic (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org


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