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Israeli music sale

If you live in the San Francisco Bay area, run, don't walk, to Leopolds
Records off Telegraph (next to Tower Records) in Berkeley. They have a
wide selection of Israeli music on sale, in a big display at the front of
the store, for $16.99. The price is still expensive by non-import
standards, but the selection is huge, and a blowout by usual Israeli
import prices.

I picked up a copy of Shlomo Artzi's "Luna Park" (which I have sought
since Yudel mentioned it) and a new group called, I believe, Black Flower,
which sounds a lot like Machina would sound if I liked Machina (if that
makes any sense). The CD is called "Carmella Gross and Wagner" if anyone
else has heard of the group and knows about them.

jmusic (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org


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