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Re: song lyrics

In article <199309130245(dot)MAA09633 (at) werple(dot)apana(dot)org(dot)au> you 

>The video you saw was Called Chanukah Live, a worldwide live hookup of the
>lighting of Chanukah Menorot in Chanukah 1991, made by Lubavitch.

>I would suggest that you ring Jewish Educational Media on 718 - 7744000,
>They would be able to tell you more about it. Or try World Lubavitch
>Communications Centre on 718 - 7737777.

>If you find out who sings this most beutiful song, could you post it
>either to me or on the net, I would also be interested to know.

>L'Shana Tova Tikateivu Ve'Techateimu.

>Motty Hasofer
>mottyh (at) werple(dot)apana(dot)org(dot)au

The video was lent to me by the Lubavitcher rabbi with whom I am learning.
The video was entitled "The Lamplighter" and seemed to be a general Chabad
promotional video.  There were indeed a lot of shots of public menorot
lightings, and very likely contained plenty of "Chanukah Live" footage,
(or maybe it is in fact the same video).

If you saw some of the other net postings, the general consensus is that
the song is authored by Ron Eliron.

Thanks for the info.

L'Shanah Tovah

Jack Reiner
New Orleans, La. USA
jack (at) pops(dot)navo(dot)navy(dot)mil


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