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transferring music over the net

Mike Lowy <lowy (at) jerusalem1(dot)datasrv(dot)co(dot)il> writes :

>What kind of song? How do you plan to get it published? Is there a way you
>can communicate it to me over the Net? Do people do this sort of thing? Is
>there - I'm suddenly all fired up by this idea - any direct transmission
>of Jewish Music on the net, and who does it and how? (I don't have a
>MIDI or sound card or sequencing software or equipment, unfortunately)

Actually, I have been having this idea for some time now, of exchanging
midi files over the net, kind of playing together over the world.
I do have the equipment and I am ready to try it if someone is
interested (I am fairly experienced with MIDI though my playing is not
so good at all). Any others with MIDI equipment over there ?

MIDI files don't actually require so much bandwidth at all, because
they only contain the note information and expression parameters.
Of course, good results require that the instrument sounds at the
receiving end are fairly similar (which depends on the equipment).

Shana tovah


Disclaimer: I am not Jewish, but 120 records on my bookshelf are...


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