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Re: song lyrics

> Shalom  Y'all!

> I was watching a video the other day and I heard the following lyrics:

>            I exist,
>            I exist,
>            Tell the world that I am well!

>            I exist,
>            I exist,
>            Tell the world that I am well!

> It was upbeat and moving.  In the video, Israeli solders were dancing.

> Jack Reiner
> jack (at) pops(dot)navo(dot)navy(dot)mil

The video you saw was Called Chanukah Live, a worldwide live hookup of the
lighting of Chanukah Menorot in Chanukah 1991, made by Lubavitch.

I would suggest that you ring Jewish Educational Media on 718 - 7744000,
They would be able to tell you more about it. Or try World Lubavitch
Communications Centre on 718 - 7737777.

If you find out who sings this most beutiful song, could you post it
either to me or on the net, I would also be interested to know.

L'Shana Tova Tikateivu Ve'Techateimu.

Motty Hasofer
mottyh (at) werple(dot)apana(dot)org(dot)au


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