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Re: Markets for Jewish music

On Thu, 9 Sep 1993, Barry H. Rodin wrote:

> Mike,
> A good place for informal contacts of this kind is to attend the week-long
> Klez Kamp, sponsored by YIVO, and held in the Catskills, NY, USA
> 22 Dec - 28 Dec 94.  There are music lessons, concerts, Yiddish lessons, etc.
> People come to Klez Kamp from all over the world and it always sells out and
> takes over the entire Paramount Hotel.

Thanks, Barry.

Where can I get more info on Klez Kamp, and on YIVO (What or who -excuse
my ignorance - is YIVO ? ) Not really sure I can afford to go, but perhaps
I could keep some kind of Kesher with them. Is there any kind of
Newsletter for klezmers?

> Where in Israel do you live?

I live in Tekoa, which is in Judea, about 8 miles south of Jerusalem. We
have a number of very talented musicians there.

> I am in northern New Jersey and play some keyboards and mandolin.
> I have also written a song which I am trying to get performed/published, etc.

What kind of song? How do you plan to get it published? Is there a way you
can communicate it to me over the Net? Do people do this sort of thing? Is
there - I'm suddenly all fired up by this idea - any direct transmission
of Jewish Music on the net, and who does it and how? (I don't have a
MIDI or sound card or sequencing software or equipment, unfortunately)

At any rate, I'll be glad to hear your song and if you wish,

> Barry Rodin

Shanna tova again,

Mike Lowy


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