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[HANASHIR:3757] Question for Songleaders
- From: elliotdp <elliotdp...>
- Subject: [HANASHIR:3757] Question for Songleaders
- Date: Fri 20 Aug 1999 16.12 (GMT)
Dear Fellow Songleaders:
Here's a question that I'm sure many of you have confronted.
I am planning to lead a monthly Friday night kumzitz with my
congregation, and am trying to figure out how to supply lyrics to
everyone. The three options I've thought of are:
1. Put together xeroxed and stapled songsheets.
2. Find a comprehensive, difinitive shiron. (Does one exist?)
3. Use slides and projector.
The downside to songsheets is that they are limited and can become
Shironim and/or slides would be a major investment, but may be worth it
our kumzitz is succussful. Where can one obtain such slides? Or,
does anyone have experience in making one's own slides?
I would really appreciate your suggestions.
Shalom u'vracha,
Elliot Pilshaw
Brooklyn, NY
I'm sure many of you have dealt with these questions
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- [HANASHIR:3757] Question for Songleaders,