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Re: To reiterate
- From: Chazzzan <Chazzzan...>
- Subject: Re: To reiterate
- Date: Wed 11 Mar 1998 00.11 (GMT)
I don't think that Adrian was trying to squelch vigorous discussion in areas
other than Jewish music. I believe he was just trying to respond to those
few who have complained about too many EMs in their boxes. I, on the other
hand, have greatly enjoyed these discussions. They are much more interesting
than the chat rooms on AOL, which don't allow much time for a thoughtful,
reasoned response. I enjoy the chat room excitement, but this method of
communication is also a great way to exchange ideas, possibly with less
However, this being a Havah Nashira list, we should probably keep it to Jewish
music and closely related topics. There are 100s of other lists for general
Jewish discussions.
Happy Purim everyone!