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Song Session Title

I you had a music book that was a collection of Shabbat Z'mirot, and also many 
non-Shabbat tunes, with more "American Nusach" type tunes, designed primarily 
for use in a Reform or Conservative enviroinment for when people want to get 
together and sing---what would you call it? It's obviously not exclusively 
z'mirot. The word kumsitz tends to get used pretty liberally - it has a more 
specific context when used by Orthodox Jews.

So-what do you call a song session like that: a sing-down? A Shir Fest? What? 
Your suggestions, which will be passed on to the party needing them, will be 
much appreciated.


Adrian A. Durlester durleste (at) plains(dot)nodak(dot)edu
Production Manager, Festival Concert Hall - North Dakota State University, Fargo
Director of Music & Religious Education, Temple Beth El (UAHC,) Fargo, ND
Work: (701) 231-9564  Cel-Phone: (701) 799-7870
Alternate E-mail:  72507(dot)471 (at) compuserve(dot)com   aad (at) 
iname(dot)com AdrianD (at) aol(dot)com

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