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Chanukah Music

Dear Adrian - I can't figure out how to send something to the new Hanashir,
so am sending you a copy of my reply to Leah Ingerham.  Maybe this
information will be helpful to someone else out there.



To:     ingerham (at) eagle(dot)ais(dot)net

Dear Leah,

I have taught for "umpteen" years sans guitar  and most of that to primary
grades!  It actually enables me to move around, use body and hand "language"
better, etc.    Some of the things I have used:
1)  Debbie Friedman's - "Light the Menorah" - found in Miracles and Wonders,
book and cassette - great to assign small group parts
2)  "I Have a Little Dreidel" - CHOREAGRAPH!  Let the kids act out each verse
3)  "Who Fought Antiochus" - out of print book called So We Sing - great for
antiphonal singing
4)  "Five Little Latkes" - Jackie Cytrynbaum - Holiday Songs for Kids - make
up hand motions!
5)  "I'm a Dreydle"                    ditto - kids act out the words and
fall down on "Kerplunk"
6)  "Burn Little Candles" - Ray Cook - don't know the book it is in.
7)  "Chanukah Round" by Steve Richards.  I have a manuscript copy for a CAJE
conference.  Contact Steve to get music or find where published.
8)  "The Dreidel Song " - Debbie Friedman - Miracles and Wonders (also in
Manginot, p. 105)
9)  "Not by Might, Not by Power" - Debbie - Play a tape for the kids to get
the feel of the song and then, instead of guitar, clap to establish the
rhythm as you sing.  We also have developed hand motions.
10)  "Light One Candle" - by Peter Yarrow - Manginot, p. 114

Needless to say, there are lots more, but these are the ones which I selected
to teach in addition to the familiar "Sivivon," "Chanukah O Chanukah," etc.
 Note, that I do not teach "Maoz Tzur" until grade 4 or 5. 

If you are interested, I have written an annotated music curriculum for The
Suburban Temple, 22401 Chagrin Blvd, Beachwood, OH  44122.  Contact them to
order.   It won the N.A.T.E. Curriculum Award last year and is available from
them.  Might be helpful to you, as everything in there was taught "a

Shavua Tov,

Alice Weinstein

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